Режиссер, Россия, Москва
Сальников — Бравенько!
все работыМои работы, 2023
Director: @il_medvedio
Production: @pp.production.msk
Head of production: @igr_prod
Head of sales/Creative: @shadowy.past
DOP: @gleb.nd
Producer: @aasharonin
Production designer: Сергей Охапкин
Costume designer: @diana_muzhanova
Producer assistant: @_reshigor_
Account manager: @maykam1
Set administrator: @_proooff_
Actors assistant: @answ.zz
Edit: @sofiaiosko
Colour: @al_lap
Sound-designer: @nk_music
Makeup and hair: @sfx_taonnie
Food stylist: @makc_mikhno
Gaffer: @garripriehal12
Camera mechanic: @samurai_suray и Валентин Куприянов
Focus-puller: @vansachuk
Dolly: @pogrebnoi84
1AD: @Alex_mtk
Backstage photographer: @arinalukashevich
Sound engineer: @_balinov
Casting director: Евдокия Ананьева
Location manager: Андрей Леманн